Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered: How to exit game

Exiting the game in Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered

Here is what you need to do:

  • If you are inside a level, you can just open the menu by pressing ESC, press the Down Arrow to reach the game options, then use the Left or Right Arrow to move to the Passport (Game) and press Enter to open it
  • Now, use the Right Arrow to reach the last page, which is Exit to Title, and press Enter on it, this will bring you back to the main menu
  • Finally, open the Passport (Game) option menu again, and similar to before you need to find the last page, called "Exit game" and press enter to close Tomb Raider and go back to your desktop

Yea I know it is kind of confusing, but that is how it works!

If you are on Nintendo Switch or Playstation, the process is similar but you will need to use either arrows or the pad to move between menus!

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Below are some screenshots showing the steps to follow:

First you need to go back to the main menu

After that, in the main menu you will need to scroll to Exit Game from the Game options (the Passport):

In the Passport, swipe to the last voice to exit the game completely

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