Age of Mythology: How to pick up relics

Age of Mythology: How to pick up relics

Published at: 08/28/2024
Updated at: 08/28/2024

Taking the relics in AoM: Retold

To collect relics in Age of Mythology we must use specific units: heroes.

Relics can provide important advantages, such as a slow but constant generation of resources, a reduction in the cost of units or buildings, greater resistance to hits, bonuses for military units and more.

After selecting a hero, we collect the relic and deliver it to the temple by pressing the right mouse button. When the relic is inserted into the temple, we will be able to take advantage of the bonuses associated with it.

Depending on the civilization we use, there are some peculiarities:

  • Nordics: the Hersirs are considered heroes and can collect relics
  • Greeks: heroes can be spawned from the city center and fortresses
  • Egyptians: heroes are only the Pharaohs and the sons of Osiris, and also the Priests if we have researched "Hands of the Pharaoh", a technology that also allows them to collect relics
  • Atlanteans: several units can be upgraded to heroes, but hero Citizens cannot collect relics
  • Chinese: Immortals and monks are heroes who can collect relics

Here is an example screenshot:

The Immortal, a chinese hero, is picking up a relic

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