Age of Mythology Retold: How to get favor

Age of Mythology Retold: How to get favor

Published at: 08/28/2024
Updated at: 09/03/2024

Obtaining the favor of the Gods

With favor we are able to recruit mythical units and use divine powers. There are different methods depending on the civilization we are using.

  • Atlanteans: they gain favor throught Oracles, an exploration unit created in the Temple, providing a constant flow of this resource. We cannot have more than 10 oracles at the same time.
  • Egyptians: building monuments to the gods, which are statues dedicated to different figures, we will generate favor
  • Greeks: we need to assign citizens to the temples, because praying we will generate favor
  • Norse: they gain favor by combat, fighting against enemy units and buildings

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Age of Mythology Retold: How to get favor from the gods
Age of Mythology Retold: How to get favor from the gods (Youtube)

Here is an example screenshot with the Greeks:

Greek citizen are praying at a temple to generate favor

On Retold in particular, the importance of the various deities becomes evident, if we run out of favor in fact we will be at a great disadvantage!

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