How to solve the

How to get a new fishing rod

Because of a Gothic bug, an item might disappear when you execute too quickly an action that requires an animation, like fishing on The Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos.

You can get a new fishing rod in the following ways:

  • Enable the MARVIN mode, open the console pressing F2, and write insert itmi_fishingrod then press Enter, so a new fishing rod will appear in front of you.
  • Head to Bernar's farm, you can ask an Araxos Runner to take you there. At the farm, there is a pond of water nearby with two Hungry Lurkers and you can find two fishing rods resting on a barrel.
  • Reach the harbor in the city of Archolos, you can buy a fishing rod from the merchant Kaleb, near the shipyard, close to the fishmonger.

Did you solve the problem? Let me know in the comments below, and meanwhile, watch my gameplay of Gothic 2 Archolos!

Gothic 2: The Chronicles of Myrtana - Archolos - Gameplay #1
Gothic 2: The Chronicles of Myrtana - Archolos - Gameplay #1 (Youtube)

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