Gothic 2 NOTR: Where to find Lance

Where to find Lance

To find Lance you'll first need to head to the Swamp of Jarkhendar. Starting from the ruins, where the Mages of Water are, run towards the Swamp and before the first bridge leading to the bandits camp, on the right, you will find the corpse of Lance on the ground. Take his ring and deliver it to Saturas.

Nel caso per qualche motivo il corpo non dovesse esserci, potrai inserire Lance con i trucchi: Abilita la Marvin Mode aprendo il diario e digitando MARVIN. Ora premi F2 per aprire la console e scrivi il comando "insert NONE_ADDON_114_LANCE_ADW" e premi Invio.

If for some reasons you cannot find the body, you can insert Lance with the cheats. Enable the Marvin Mode by opening your journal and typing MARVIN. Now press F2 to open the console and write the command "insert NONE_ADDON_114_LANCE_ADW" and press Enter.

Position of Lance on the map

If you need help let me know in the comments!

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