Gothic 1: Where to find the 6 Chromanin Books

The books of Chromanin

This is a sort of side quest called "The Stranger", which could be considered an easter eggin Gothic 1. After finding a book, the next one will appear in the map. There are six books in total. Let's see how to find them!

Map for the books of Chromanin
Map for the Books of Chromanin

1st Book

The first book is near the Swamp Camp, in the undergrounds. Reach the entrance of the camp where Lester is, climb up the slope, go through the forest and reach the river, follow its course and reach the sand beach on the right. Kill the fire lizards, run forward in the water and swim to the right. You should see a large entrance to a hidden dock below the mountain.

Enter the tunnel and follow the path. Keep the right and, at the first crossroad, where the skeletons are, go left and keep the left. Reach the large room and eliminate the skeleton mage. In his body you will find the first book. Read it.

Where to find the Chromanin Books
Where to find the Chromanin Books (Youtube)

2nd Book

Starting from the Swamp Camp, climb the slow, pass the first bridge without crossing it, and climb the second slope on the left. Take the narrow road on the right that leads to the fortress of the focus stone, but proceed forward until you reach the wooden bridge, the one that takes you to the orc citadel where you met Ur-Shak.

There is an half-destroyed tower here. Climb it and at the top you will find the second book. Read it.

3rd Book

Starting from the Old Camp, at the wooden entrance, follow the river and keep it on your left, going towards the Swamp Camp. Before reaching the forest, cross the river to reach the sand flap in the middle. The third book is there, on the ground. There might be some lurkers around.

4th Book

Start from the New Camp, at the rice field entrance, reach the big lake in front of you where bloodflies, lizards and lurkers usually are. Cross the lake by swimming and reach the opposite side. The fourth book is over there on the ground.

5th Book

From the Swamp Camp, climb the slope, pass the forest and keep the right. Reach the sand beach where there is a destroyed ship. Near the ship you will find the fifth book.

6th Book

The sixth and last book is exactly where the first one was, so reach the hidden dock again, between the Swamp Camp and the beach with the destroyed ships.

Enter the tunnels and go back to the room where you found the first book. You will find Chromanin, a man lying on the floor. When you will read the book, some skeletons and two mage skeletons will appear, so be aware.

You have found all the books!

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