Gothic 1: Where and how to find Lee in Chapters 1 and 4 at New Camp

How to find Lee at the New Camp in Chapters 1 and 4

Lee is the leader of the Mercenaries in the New Camp.

In the first chapter, you will find him on the right side of the large cavern. Keep the right, go past Gorn and climb to the top. You will reach a small cavern guarded by two mercenaries, on the left there are two more mercenaries guarding the entrance to the Magicians of Water. Go inside the small cavern on the right, you will find Lee talking with Orik.

In the fourth chapter, at some point Lee will be at the dam, where you usually find Homer, so reach the tavern on the lake and proceed towards the rice fields. After talking with Lee about the Mine, he will go back to his original place.

Find Lee in Chapters 1 and 4 at New Camp
Find Lee in Chapters 1 and 4 at New Camp (Youtube)

Also read the complete Gothic 1 guide.

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