How to get the Gold Medal on the Late Economy challenge - Age of Empires 4

Age of Empires 4: Late Economy Challenge

To get the gold medal in the "Late Economy" challenge in the Art of War I'll give you some hints:

  • Build at least three additional town centers (up to a total of four) so you can create more villagers;
  • Build at least two markets (total of three) so you can make more traders;
  • Keep your town centers and your markets as active as possible: keep producing villagers and merchants;
  • Have at least three or four villagers collecting stone so you can build the additional town centers;
  • To have a good production of villagers, it is a good idea to have at least 6 farms for every town center;
  • Send at least 6-10 villagers to collect gold so you can get to the Imperial Age and to buy resources at the market;
  • You will also need gold to create traders;
  • Use market to buy/sell resources in order to balance your economy;
  • After building the town centers you need, you can move villagers from stone to other resources;
  • If you have too much wood, use it to build more farms;
  • As soon as you have 2400 units of food and 1200 of gold, build the landmark with as many villagers as you can, so you can get to the Imperial Age;

You can also have a look at the video I uploaded on How to get the gold medal in the Late Economy challenge.

How to get the gold medal in the Late Economy challenge
How to get the gold medal in the Late Economy challenge (Youtube)

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