Age of Empires 4: Early Economy Challenge
To get the gold medal in the "Early Economy" challenge in the Art of War I'll give you some hints:
- Use shortcuts to assign your Town Center and your scout to some quick keys, you can click your town center and then press CTRL + 1 to assign it to the group number 1. Then, pressing the "1" key you can immediately select that building. This also works with military units.
- Cerca di tenere il tuo centro città più attivo possibile: continua a produrre abitanti;
- Try keeping your town center as active as possible: keep producing villagers;
- Have at least 6 villagers taking food, four on wood and two and gold;
- The next villagers should go to food;
- When your sheeps are depleted, build a mill near the deers to hunt them;
- Build a lumber camp near wood and a mining camp near gold, so your villagers will have to travel shorter distances to deliver resources;
- Remember building a house when your are close to the population limit, otherwise your town center will become inactive;
- As soon as you reach the 400 units of food and 200 of gold, build the landmark to advance to the next age, you can use all your villagers to build it.
- 400 unità di cibo e le 200 unità di oro, costruisci l'edificio (landmark) per passare all'età successiva, usa pure tutti i tuoi abitanti per la costruzione.
You can also have a look at the video I uploaded on How to get the gold medal in the Early Economy challenge.

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