Age of Mythology: How to get favor

Age of Mythology: How to get favor

Published at: 08/28/2024
Updated at: 09/03/2024

Favor of the Gods

  • Greeks: pray to the gods by assigning villagers to temples
  • Norse: gain favor in combat against units and buildings
  • Egyptians: build monuments to the gods, which are statues built by villagers
  • Atlanteans: gain favor with town centers, which provide a constant flow of this resource
  • Chinese: build Gardens, a particular building that works similarly to Egyptian monuments

Age of Mythology Retold: How to get favor from the gods
Age of Mythology Retold: How to get favor from the gods (Youtube)

This way, we can obtain an important resource needed to train myth units, which are among the strongest in the game. Be careful, these units are easily countered by heroes!

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