How to open the console on AoE IV
You can open the console by pressing the CTRL + SHIFT + ` (Tilde or Grave) keys. The third button is the one on top of the Tab key, on the left of the "1" key.
I found out this information in the App.ini file of the game:
consoleKey = CONTROL+SHIFT+Grave
Console commands
Here are some of the commands I found for the console:
- addkeyword
- app_currenttime
- app_getFXPerformanceTableOn
- app_setidealframerate
- app_toggleFXPerformanceTable
- assert
- bind
- cls
- cmdline_exist
- cmdline_string
- collectgarbage
- crash
- crashprotected
- cursor_hide
- cursor_setposition
- cursor_show
- div0f
- div0i
- dofile
- error
- getbuildnumber
- getbuildtype
- getmetatable
- import
- infiniteloop
- ipairs
- LOWatcher_Activate
- LOWatcher_AddFilter
- LOWatcher_FilterExists
- LOWatcher_IsActive
- LOWatcher_RemoveFilter
- LOWatcher_SelectState
- load
- loadfile
- logprintto
- memdump
- memdumpf
- mempoolsizes
- memtofile
- memvalidate
- next
- pairs
- pcall
- purevirtual
- quit
- rawequal
- rawget
- rawlen
- rawset
- RenderDoc_CaptureFrameEditor
- RenderDoc_CaptureFrameGame
- select
- setmetatable
- snan
- statgraph
- statgraph_channel
- statgraph_channel_get_enabled
- statgraph_channel_set_enabled
- statgraph_clear
- statgraph_get_budget
- statgraph_get_visible
- statgraph_is_value_normalization_enabled
- statgraph_list
- statgraph_pause
- statgraph_set_budget
- statgraph_set_value_normalization_enabled
- statgraph_set_visible
- statgraph_show_budgets
- statgraph_stats_get_visible
- statgraph_stats_set_visible
- stdvectoroob
- SystemConfig_GetSettingBool
- SystemConfig_GetSettingFloat
- SystemConfig_GetSettingInt
- SystemConfig_GetSettingString
- SystemConfig_GetSettingUInt
- timer_add
- timer_addframe
- timer_addonce
- timer_del
- tonumber
- tostring
- type
- unbind
- WarningDisable
- WarningEnable
- WarningSet
- xpcall