Matomo: On-premise vs. cloud, what to choose?

Differences between On-Premise and Cloud versions of Matomo

As we can see on the official Matomo website, we can choose between On-Premise and Cloud installation.

Let's quickly see what the main differences are and which version to choose.


The Cloud solution allows to use all plugins without paying extra money, however, it has a high cost if we have many hits.

Matomo itself explains what a hit is: basically, any page load, event, file, outbound link.

If we already have some statistical data, for example through Google Analytics or other tools, we can try to do a very rough count.

If our server uses Awstats, which is a log analysis software (try asking your system engineer) we could rely on the number of Accesses, or "Hits" precisely, to get an idea.

Also, we have to keep in mind that using the Cloud solution means ceding our users' browsing data to Matomo: sure, it is certainly much more reliable than other providers, however, the fact remains that the database is being managed by someone else.


Otherwise, the On-Premise version, which I recommend, allows you to install Matomo's software for free on your own server. The code is open source, accessible to anyone, so we will know exactly what we are installing or, in any case, we can control it.

We need a webserver with PHP and MySQL, which meets the minimum requirements of Matomo. For this, I suggest you ask your systems engineer or hosting provider.

Need a server where you can host your Matomo instance? Shop on Ionos or on Keliweb!

Surely the Cloud solution does not require technical knowledge, while the On-Premise installation will have a cost because it requires some initial work if you have someone else do it, however, on the other hand it allows you to avoid data transfers out of your control.

So, what to choose?

It is up to you to evaluate which path you prefer.

My opinion is that small businesses will find it very difficult to afford the cloud solution, which is quite expensive, and at the same time they will not have special needs such that they will require the installation of paid plugins, in most cases.

Larger businesses, or large entities, on the other hand, might benefit more by outsourcing to the cloud solution, which might also be cheaper in certain cases, for example if there is a need to purchase paid plugins, which might be very expensive in the On-Premise solution.

On the other hand, however, as we said, the cloud solution will lead to less control over visitor data.

In general, better the On-Premise solution, assuming you have someone who can take care of software management and installation.

If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact me for advice.

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